Sunday, February 22, 2009


I replied on Kenny, Carissa, and Niccolo's blogs


Last week my friends and I had a Brazilian Barbeque party at my friend’s house. The weather was perfect for us to stay outside and eat some meat. My friend was cooking the meat and everyone was all around the cooking place waiting until the meat is all done. We were arguing about how much salt we have to put in to make the meat taste the best. One of my friends, Sam, was putting the salts into the meat. Everyone was asking if he was putting the right amount of salts and he responded yes confidently. After all the meats were all cooked, it came out to be perfect.

Almost every food that is cooked needs an ingredient to make the food taste better. To make a cooked food taste better, you might need to add some salt in there: meats, soups, fishes, and more. Salt is very essential in our life. If we do not have salt, many of the cooked food that we eat would probably have no taste to it. If you go to some famous restaurants, one of the key elements about the meal is the amount of salt they put into the cooked meals. Little amount of salt could change the flavor from good to just okay meal.

Salt is made by evaporating the seawater and collecting what is remained from the evaporation. Even though it takes a lot of efforts to get the fine salts, salts are cheap because they are minerals. Minerals are priced cheap because we all need it. Salts are needed in our body for optimal body functions. After thinking about the salt so much, I went again and looked up salt at online. It came out to be that taking too much or too little salt into our body could to some serious damage. You can get muscle cramp, dizziness, or neurological problems with having excessive or insufficient amount of salt. I did not know that only little tiny salt could do such serious damage. Next time I eat something that is cooked, I better watch out for how much salt I am taking it into my body.

Dangerous Chocolates

Having nothing to do at Saturday, I called my friends and asked them if they wanted to go to the Chocolate Festival that our English teacher told us. Since all of friends are big fan of chocolates, everyone wanted to go. The poster said the entrance fee was ten dollars. It was a descent price for eating whole bunch of chocolates I guessed. Since it was like a festival, I thought they would block the whole street and do the festival but it was different. With ten dollars, you get 12 tickets and you can buy any chocolates from different stores down the Second Street with you tickets. It felt like I was in elementary school buying things with ticket.

Down the Second Street, there were many different kinds of chocolates: Brownies, Chocolate Dipped Strawberries, Pizookie, chocolates cupcakes, Gelato, Chocolate Yogurt, Chocolate Muffin, and more. Everything that is there was nothing but chocolates. All the chocolates were delicious. The street was filled with the smell of chocolates. As I told you that I am a big fan of chocolates, I ate many chocolates in there with my precious tickets. I ate until I got to this point where I was sick of the chocolates.

Chocolates are really sweet and delicious. I did not realize how many chocolates I have eaten. I was walking around and saw many dogs on the street. I was thinking I would be kind if I fed the dogs some sweet chocolates. So I went up to one of the dogs and tried to feed one. The owner of the dog stopped me with force immediately. I was wondering why he would stop me from giving this good chocolate to the dog. He just said you are stupid and walked away with his dog. I was really curious why he said that. So when I got back from the festival, I went on to looked up for chocolates. I was shocked when I reading all the websites about chocolates. All of them said that feeding chocolates animals such as horses, parrots, cats, and dogs because they cannot metabolize chocolates inside of their body. If they took some of the chocolates, it would stay in their bloodstreams for 20 hours and might cause heart attacks or seizers. This made me feel sad for the animals because they cannot eat these delicious chocolates that we are eating. Chocolates could really harm animals even if they have little bite out of it.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I wake up every morning with feeling something is stuck on my throat. Also I feel very sluggish and sleepy because I always sleep late every night. That is why I always go to Starbucks in the morning to get some fresh cup of a coffee. I always order Espresso at Starbucks to start out my day. The smell of coffee is very sweet. The smell makes me feel like I am on this very comfortable bed with some fresh fragrance. When I walk past any coffee shop, the smell of coffee makes me want to stay there for a bit and take a rest. It also makes a person calm from high temper. When I am mad sometimes, I go to the coffee shops because the smell of coffee calms me down. Nothing is more soothing than a cup of fresh cup of a coffee.

Not only drinking cup of a coffee in the morning but also when you are studying at night, it helps a lot to stay up late. During the finals week, I always drink cup of a coffee to stay awake. Those energy drinks are really not tasty but coffees are really delicious and also help to stay awake. Also coffees contain less sugar and calories than energy drinks such as Monster. I do not drink Monster because after drinking Monster, my body starts to quiver like I was outside on a rainy day.

But why do people drink coffee in the morning to start off their day? I was really curious. I mean people say “oh it contains caffeine so it will make your body moving in the morning.” I knew caffeine is in there but I really wanted to know what caffeine doing to our body. So I went on and did some research. I found out that the caffeine is dealing many types of stress to the brain and to protect the brain, there are many neural activity and by increasing blood flow. I did not know the caffeine is actually dealing stress to the brain to make our body stimulate. I thought it was just giving more energy to make our body move.